Nasibeh Teimouri





With ESL

PhD, 2013 - 2017

Improving Scalability of Chip-MultiProcessors with Many HW ACCelerators


I joined ESL in Fall 2013 and got my PhD in Fall 2017. I have got my BSc from University of Tehran, Iran and my MSc from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

My research in ESL stared with working on abstract modeling of Network on Chip (NoC) to interconnect processors and memory. Afterward, I expanded to modeling novel architecture for streaming applications including multimedia and vision. I published two papers in DAC 2015 and DATE 2016, and one journal in TECS 2018.

Joining ESL and especially working under supervision of Prof. Schirner who has opened my eyes into new aspects of life and research, has been one of the most important events in my life…that’s the reason of my high respect for him.